Hosting a Wedding With A Difference
Planning your wedding is one of the most exciting times of your life as you have the chance to throw a party of a lifetime. The thing with weddings however is that they are often based on tradition and therefore no matter how much planning you put in to it, you will tend to end up with a similar result. The white dress, the white roses, the bouquet of roses are all elements of a wedding that gets done over and over again with the ideas simply being recycled. For this reason, as a bride, it would be exciting for you to stray a way from tradition and plan out a wedding that stands out in a crowd and is likely to take your guests by surprise and in turn delight them at the experience.
Wedding car alternatives
Traditionally couples have spent hundreds and thousands to hire a wedding car to travel on their wedding day, however a white car adorned in flowers is again, predictable. Instead you may opt to save some money by using your own car to drive to your wedding or you may hire a Harley if you are a bike enthusiast and ride it to the doors of the chapel. The goal in any wedding should be to be comfortable and be different. Try to make the wedding as much about you as possible. Get more ideas about tours and Harley rentals over here
If you do opt to hire a Harley in Gold Coast, you may even choose to glam it up a bit by addition a little wedding décor to it to make it stand out from the rest of the bikes on the road that day to let the world know you are getting married. However, simply having a Harley in itself is guaranteed to turn some heads.
Should you opt for a white wedding gown?
Although it may seem like white wedding gowns have been worn for millennia, the truth is, the tradition of wearing a white wedding dress began fairly recently with Queen Victoria choosing to wear white to her wedding to Prince Albert in eighteen forty. Before Queen Victoria, brides simply wore their “Sunday best” – the best dress they owned which was worn to church on Sundays. Since Queen Victoria, women have chosen to wear white on their wedding day with it being associated with purity and virginity. However, in modern times with purity and virginity not being the most important aspect of a bride, a bride is free to choose to wear whatever she wishes to wear to her wedding day, therefore, do not feel bound by tradition. Instead choose to wear what represents you as a person, even if that means wearing pants to your wedding.